
The major business requirements for Munich Re Automation Solutions Ltd include the ability to:

  1. React quickly to requests from their global client base
  2. Meet product and project delivery deadlines
  3. Have stringent support SLAs

And to ensure no loss of service to the wider organisation on a 24/7 basis, Munich Re required a backup and Disaster Recovery infrastructure that could adequately support these requirements.

However, to implement this level of support Munich Re were faced with either a further expensive investment in a traditional DR solution (dual sites and replication of hardware and software etc) or a cloud-based alternative.


Munich Re chose Savenet as their preferred partner for designing and implementing a new hybrid cloud backup and Disaster Recovery solution. The solution consisted of two methods:

  1. Cloud-based, to cover major disasters/system failures
  2. On-site, to cover smaller localised failures / disruptions

The hybrid solution gave Munich Re the assurance that their critical application updates, patches and build versions are continuously available to their users and customers.  And it means they can withstand any form of disaster; from a minor system interruption or server failure, to a major disaster where their server room is destroyed.


  • Simplified and reduced costs for running the IT environment
  • Significant risk reduction for the business
  • Significant savings on long-term costs
  • Global IT teams have guaranteed access to critical software versions and file data regardless of any kind of disaster or system failure in Dublin
  • Massive bandwidth savings, the cloud-based Disaster Recovery solution does not require any additional bandwidth capacity
  • Due to its success the same solution has been rolled out to Tokyo and Sydney
  • The Disaster Recovery environment has been used on several occasions to test application upgrades before performing the upgrade on the live servers.

“Thanks to the top-quality service from Savenet we can meet the needs of our ever-expanding global customer base.  Savenets’ solution is robust, resilient and highly cost-effective.  Right from the proposal and design phases we had the confidence that they understood our needs.  ”

Fausto Teghillo

IT Manager

Munich Re